Lets Talk Gum and Tooth Health

Our teeth are very important to us and our bodies health. Here are some things you can take to support our tooth and gum health! These can be used for children and adults!

Calcium Lactate– Did you know there is more Calcium in the human body than all of the other minerals combined? More calcium supplements are sold than any other mineral but most of them are not absorbed from the GI tract. Calcium Lactate is a very absorbable form of calcium and magnesium. It is not a dairy product.

Bio- Dent- This product is a cold-pressed raw veal bone tablet. In addition to veal bone is has Manganese B12 and some spleen extract. It is mean for teeth building! It is an excellent product for children and is a complete protein product as well.

Cyruta Plus- This product is made from the leaves of the green buckwheat plant. It is very high in the naturally occurring “P” factors (bioflavonoids) for those that bruise easily or have bleeding gums. The ” P” factor is also in Cataplex ACP.

Cataplex ACP– This is a combination product that combines Cataplex A, Cataplex C, and P (bioflavonoids). It supports blood, epithelial, connective tissues, and general resistance to infection.

Thymex- This product is made up from beef thymus gland. This product is used to help support the body from infection.

Immuplex- The body does not have an immune system, it IS an immune system. Immuplex impacts the entire immune alliance (Thymus, Spleen, Intestinal Flora, Liver, Stomach and Long bones)

Support your oral health with the following products:

Healthy teeth:
Calcium Lactate– recommended dose 1-2 per day
Bio- Dent- recommended dose 1-2 per day

Bleeding Gums when brushing:
Bio- Dent– recommended dose 2-3 per day
Cyruta Plus- recommended dose 2-3 per day


Cataplex ACP– recommended dose 3-6 per day
Thymex- recommended dose 3-6 per day
Bio Dent– recommended dose 2 per day

Cavity Prevention: 
Bio Dent- recommended dose 1-2 per day
Immuplex– recommended dose 1 per day
Calcium Lactate– recommended dose 1 per day


Location: 1130 Cleveland St #100b, Clearwater, FL 33755  •  Phone: (386) 931-2836