Did you know the government is responsible for deciding that you rate any vitamin C product according to the amount of ascorbic acid it contains?
Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant. It is the preservative part of the C complex. Real vitamin C complex contains the vitamin P factors (bioflavonoids, rutin) which help with vascular integrity. Those that bruise easily or who have bleeding gums are generally deficient in this.
Another part of the C complex (Cataplex C) is Vitamin K which is used in the formation of protein which is then transported to the injured tissue.
Vitamin J is another factor in the C complex (Cataplex C). This increases the oxygen- carrying capacity of the blood.
Vitamin C complex also contains enzymes which support the adrenals.
To say that ascorbic acid is vitamin C is like looking at a wheel and saying it is an automobile, while its just a small part of an automobile.
Standard Process makes their vitamin C (Cataplex C) by removing the water and fiber from raw whole foods- alfalfa, mushrooms, bone marrow, and buckwheat leaf. When they analyze the nutrients they find that .01 (about 5 milligrams) of the 500mg tablet is ascorbic acid. This means that 495mg of all the other components listed above along with more unknown organic factors!
In order to put 500mg of naturally occurring ascorbic acid into a tablet, the tablet would be as big as a ping-pong ball!
The whole vitamin C complex (Cataplex C) helps support your immune system and more!